I work these puppies out three times a week, mainly because I love the pump that I get in my forearms afterwards.  Need another reason?  A   good strong grip relates to the ability to handle and hold heavy weights, so I strongly encourage you to work hard on developing a grip of steel.Forearms.JPG (50142 bytes)

Forearm Extension

These work the back and outer areas of your forearm.  Some people use barbells, but I recommend that you use a dumbbell with changeable weights, and grasp the handles (the main reason being that a barbell is long, and easily causes torque).  So from a sitting position, with your thighs parallel to the floor, about shoulder width apart, palms face down grasping the dumbbell ends, just extend your hands backwards, as if you were trying to touch your knuckles to your forearms.  Keep you forearms completely stationary on you knees, and don't start using your biceps muscles to heave the weight up.

ForeArm Flexion

Same as above starting position, with your palms facing up.  I think you can figure out what to do...

Lever Bar Work

I only use this occasionally.  Mr. McRobert's book goes into detail about how to perform this exercise.  It merely requires an adjustable dumbbell with weight attached only at one end.

As I mentioned before, makes a REAL gripper that simulates Bruce Lee's pictured apparatus.  Imagine putting about three hundred lbs. of weights on that machine and trying to grip it shut...they have a gripper that simulates that amount of weight!  They start off at 90lbs I believe though..for the rest of us pansies:-)