Reps and Weight Conversion Table

Ok, for those of you out there who need to change their rep ranges every now and then (ie, if you were doing 12 reps and now wish to do 6 reps in a particular exercise) I give you the following conversion tables.

Let's say you are doing lat pulldowns at 12 reps per set....go down the Upper Body Exercise table until you hit the 12 rep (Current) row.  Now scroll across the columns (Desired) until you see the desired rep amount, in this case 6.   You can see that you obtain a multiplier factor, in this case 1.20.  This is how you get the weight that you SHOULD be able to do for 6 reps.

So, if you were doing 100 lbs at 12 reps, you should be able to do 100lbs. X 1.2 = 120 lbs. for 6 reps.  Simple right?

Conver.gif (23055 bytes)

This table was obtained from the book BRAWN which has been mentioned ad nauseum at this site:-)