This name is actually a misnomer, since it applies to 99% of the people out there that are working out and trying to build some decent muscle.  The real name for this type of trainee should be "Normal Gainer".  

A hardgainer however has come to mean the person who doesn't grow or produce muscle as fast as his easygainer counterparts;  you know the easygainer types, they just look at a barbell and muscles begin to sprout.  As opposed to the easygainer, a hardgainer has it relatively tough.  They have to be more careful about :


Furthermore, even if they adhered to a strict regimen of the above 5 factors, a hardgainer's muscle development is still far far slower than an easygainer's, and their maximum potential will never reach that of an easygainer's. 

Yes, alas, genetics do make a huge difference in what your body is capable of becoming.  However, take solace in the fact that your are among the majority if you are a hardgainer, a majority which includes the likes of Bruce Lee.   Bruce Lee was a hardgainer, and as stated in the Bruce Lee section, he worked long and hard to develop the body that he ultimately attained. 

The purpose of this web site, is to show you that you don't have to work long or hard to build a decent physique.....but smart. 


For the following reasons:

The HardGainer routine is simple.  Because of this, it is easier to adhere to, and does not require living in the gym.....

The routines are quick..none of those marathon 2 hour workouts (let alone those twice a day workout routines).  It is therefore easily incorporated in even the busiest of schedules.

There is ample time for resting between workouts(normally about 48 hours), which by the way, is when muscles grow.

It costs almost nothing.  Besides the initial set-up equipment, you don't have a monthly expense for supplements, magazines, powders, diet foods, (and dare I say...steroids, glucose strips, Physician visits, trips to Mexico..etc) etc.

The Hardgainer routine does not promise you unbelievable gains which when they don't materialize, discourage you and make you want to quit.  What it does promise you is small but tangible signs of progress.


Examine the following picture...As you can see, there is more to having an impressive physique than just pure muscle mass.  Sure the guy on the left is huge, but Bruce looks more formidable in my opinion.  I hope that this gives hope to those people out there who don't have the genetics to build mountains of muscle, but want to improve the way they look nevertheless.

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By the way, Bolo Yeung, the fellow on the left, has since cut up since this picture was taken almost 25 years ago, and actually looks more impressive now 25 years later.

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Now a lot of this information and more can be found in Stuart McRobert's book "BRAWN" which is a must buy for anyone who has tried every other routine with no results to show for it.  This book is definitely the best investment that I have ever made for my body, and I strongly urge you to do the same.  Details can be found at their site at  www.hardgainer.com   .  This site is updated often, with new tips and routines that have been proven to work for some of the members who frequent the site.  There are also fellow hardgainer's that help each other out at  the bulletin board (as well  as some of their before and after shots hee hee), and pretty much, if you want to find out more about what a Hardgainer is, this is the place to go.  By the way, in case anyone is wondering...NO I do not get any sort of compensation for sending people there, or any sales that they make.  What I do know however, is that the routines work, that they have worked for me, and that they will probably work for you.